Monday, April 27, 2009

My Little Outdoor Adventurer

Now that he's mobile and the weather is finally taking a turn for the better, Daniel wants nothing more than to be outside. He stares longingly at the back door, pleading with you to take him out back, and cries his eyes out when it's time to come inside. This weekend was unseasonably warm and sunny, so we vowed to spend as much time as possible outdoors with Daniel. When Sunday night rolled around, he was bruised, scraped, extremely dirty, and unimaginably overjoyed!

We took him to several different playgrounds, where he climbed every set of stairs he could find. Not thrilled with the idea of sliding down the slide, he spent lots of time trying to climb up it! He ran excitedly across bridges and platforms, and even picked dandelions from the grass. At Valley Green, he was permitted to come out of his stroller to descend the stone steps (with Daddy's assistance) down to the creek.

He stumbled a couple of times, got a little bit scraped, but he was a trooper. He would stand up, brush off his hands, and forge ahead. I was so proud of him. I love that he loves getting dirty (even if I don't). I get such a thrill out of watching him run up and down the hill in our backyard. I feel lucky to have a little bruiser who would rather run around outside than sit in front of the TV.

Now that spring is officially here and summer is on its way, I can't wait to share more outdoors adventures with him. The best part is that he is no longer limited to sitting in his stroller while I push him along the sidewalk. He can feel the grass between his toes, explore the world on his hands and knees, and chase Ollie across the backyard. Now is the time when Daniel's childhood officially begins.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a beautiful blog. Daniel is entering his toddler years and exploring everything. That is wonderful. The last line touched our hearts. Enjoy every minute with him every day is an adventure for sure. :-)