Thursday, April 2, 2009

Can't We All Just Get Along?

What's with all the hitting and stealing toys? Yes, it's developmentally appropriate for Daniel's age group (18 to 24 months). Yes, it's an attempt by the toddler to control what is surely a scary and uncertain world. Yes, it's normal. No, my child does not do it. So, yes, it's really starting to tick me off.

I will be the first to admit that Daniel is not perfect. He exhibits many of the defiant behaviors that are so characteristic of his age. But he has never hit me, nor has he struck another child. He doesn't push, either. Which is why I feel so conflicted on the numerous occasions when another child acts aggressively towards him. Do I step in and mediate the "disagreement?" Or do I let Daniel figure out how to stand up for himself and deal with these mini-bullies?

One of the biggest issues I see now between children in Daniel's peer group is the refusal to share, or the taking of the toys. There could be a thousand toys in a room, but inevitably two toddlers will end up fighting over the same one. I have seen children stop what they are doing, cross the room, and yank a toy out of another child's hands. Just because. My heart breaks when Daniel looks up at me with those sad eyes, as if to say, "What did I do wrong, Mommy? Why can't I play with that toy?" I can't very well answer, "Because that child is an a**hole."

I'm torn between feeling relieved that Daniel does not hit or take things from other kids, and not wanting him to be taken advantage of because he refuses to "fight back." Is it possible that he will skip this phase completely, and instead be at the mercy of other toddlers who covet everything he gets his little hands on? Why is toddlerhood such a selfish phase for so many children, but not all of them? I know that I would cringe with embarrassment if I ever saw Daniel hit another child. It would be even worse if he hit me in front of other people. So I suppose I'm lucky in that regard.

I just wish these other punks would stop beating up on my little lamb.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is obvious that you are raising your little Daniel the way you were raised. Teaching your child to share and play nicely doesn't come easy for everyone. It is natural for you to be upset when you see other children taking toys from him or being mean. Little kids forget times like that while adults don't. Hang in there, Daniel will be fine! What can I say he is a lover not a fighter!! xo Mom xo