Thursday, August 12, 2010

Your Friends and Neighbors

I have fond memories of growing up with neighborhood kids with whom I was close in age. Those were the old days, when you ran outside after dinner and played with whomever else happened to be outside at the time. These were lasting friendships -- bonds that extended beyond blood relations. If you were fighting with your younger brother, you could escape to a friend's house (and no doubt insist to your friend how much cooler her brother was than yours).

I'm delighted that Daniel has planted the seeds of friendship with our next-door neighbors. As much as I'd love to give him a sibling someday, the future is uncertain. I am thankful that he will always have friends to keep him company, whether or not he ever has a sibling. These sticky summer nights lend themselves well to playing in the backyard with neighboring kids. Last night, I was thrilled to see Daniel playing with Stella, 5, and Caleb, 2. He was equally excited, running inside momentarily to exclaim, "Mommy, Stella and Caleb are home from their trip!" Now, I don't think they were actually away on vacation, rather I suspect that Daniel equated them not being outside on other nights with being "on a trip."

The three of them had a blast together, first splashing around on Daniel's water table and then taking turns riding his Power Wheels Jeep.

Daniel took Caleb for a ride, Stella took Daniel for a ride, and Caleb even drove the Jeep himself for a bit! Daniel was sharing beautifully. He graciously stepped out of the Jeep (without prompting) to give someone else a turn, and didn't complain when he was waiting to get back in. I was so proud. Would he have been as patient and fair with a sibling? Who knows. All that matters is that the kids played nicely together and had fun.

I know that I'm projecting my own anxieties about Daniel being an only child, but watching him interact with Stella and Caleb only strengthened my conviction that he would be an amazing big brother. I pray that he will someday get to wear that ubiquitous "Big Brother" shirt with pride. But even if that day never comes, he will have friends. Friends to play with, to share toys with, to trade lunches with. Daniel is a natural friend. Anyone would be lucky to have him.


Unknown said...

Stef - This was such a beautifully written blog. I smiled, laughed and cried while reading it. Loved the pictures of DANIEL, Stella and Caleb. Absolutely precious - DANIEL'S expression is too much.


Unknown said...

Stef - This was such a beautifully written blog. I smiled, laughed and cried while reading it. Loved the pictures of DANIEL, Stella and Caleb. Absolutely precious - DANIEL'S expression is too much.


aliwilbur said...

Stef - it's so funny, I find that my kids get along with our neighbors so much better than other children!

I'm sure Daniel will be a big brother some day. I remember saying those prayers when we were hoping for Eli. And that Big Brother shirt was the most bitter sweet thing ever. I had ordered one previously and he was never able to wear it for it's original intention. So when he finally could wear it, it was all the more special! Hugs!


Veronica Lee said...

Love the pics and your blog.

Hi! Stopping by from MBC.
Have a nice day!