Monday, July 20, 2009

It's Always Something

As any parent of a young child will tell you, the worrying never stops. It's just the nature of the worrying that shifts over time. Thankfully, Daniel has been extraordinarily healthy thus far. A runny nose here and there, a couple of bouts with diarrhea, maybe one fever that I can remember. What drives me crazy, however, is how one ailment seamlessly follows another. He's barely over one cold when another rears its ugly, snotty head. A week of diarrhea is followed by a week of constipation. And on and on it goes.

This morning I noticed a rash on Daniel's chest and torso. It looked similar to the outbreaks of eczema and/or heat rash that he's experienced in the past, so I wasn't too worried (everything is relative when you have a 2-year-old). I have prescription cream to put on his eczema, so I vowed to apply it tonight after his bath. When he got home from camp, though, the rash had grown. It was still confined to his chest and torso, and the bumps looked pretty much the same -- there were just more of them. Here's where I start to second-guess myself. Should I have kept him home from camp and called the doctor? Did he eat anything new yesterday that could signal a food allergy? He didn't seem to be uncomfortable, and he didn't have a fever. Just lots of little red bumps all over his torso.

I put a call into the pediatrician, and I am currently awaiting a response. Hopefully it's nothing. But I can't help but think, "What now?" as the never-ending adventure of parenting a toddler rolls on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You said it Stef. When you were 2 and a half you developed a rash while we were on vacation in the Poconos. I took you to the doctor when we got home and all they could come up with was that you had an "ECHO" virus with a number next to it. It is still a mistery to this day how it developed. As long as Daniel is acting normal and doesn't have a fever he is fine. Kids get things that come and go all the time. Keep notes and one day you can write a very interesting book by putting all your wonderful blogs together.