Friday, March 19, 2010

The Alterna-Playground

Daniel had no interest in napping this afternoon. After a long day at school, you'd think he'd be pooped. Nope! After "resting" in his crib for over an hour (I'm using quotation marks because he spent most of the time singing and playing with trucks), I admitted defeat and removed him from the confines of his crib. We headed for the playground, which is just a 10-minute walk from our house. The playground was crowded with moms and kids, all enjoying the beautiful spring-like weather. Daniel seemed excited to climb on the jungle gym, which he did, and then proceeded to make his way around to all of the equipment in about 15 minutes. Then he spotted the Bobcats.

They were parked in the lot by the playground, and each still had its snow plow attached. Daniel was awestruck. There was no turning back. The playground was a distant memory -- not nearly as cool as the Bobcats. Daniel has seen them before, plowing our driveway while we sat inside and looked out the window. But here we were, up close and personal, and touching was not out of the question. He investigated every inch of those Bobcats, from the "Caution" decals to the hydraulic hoses. This went on for at least a half-hour. I finally managed to pry him away from the Bobcats. He didn't go willingly, but I DID promise him that he could watch the construction taking place in our own street (Verizon is currently digging up lawns in order to install Fios). It was a trade-off, but at least I didn't have to explain the anatomy of a Bobcat for the ten-thousandth time.

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