Today I accompanied Daniel's preschool to Freddy Hill Farm. He and I went around the same time last year, but a lot has changed since then. Here is a photo taken on last year's trip:

Daniel was 16 months old, and had only been walking for a couple of months. I carried him through the cornstalk maze and stood with him while he watched the "big kids" go down the giant slide. He wasn't interested in the free ice cream cone after the hayride.
Now, here's a photo from today's trip:

Not only did Daniel pick out his own pumpkins, but he made me chase him all over the pumpkin patch as he feverishly searched for the tractor that had brought us there. With enthusiasm, he skipped through the pumpkins (yes, tripping a couple of times) shouting, "Pumpkins! Tractor!" When I asked him to help me find his friend Lexi, he took off across the field shouting "Lexi!" He eventually found her.

The hayride brought us over to the cornstalk maze and giant slide, but something else caught Daniel's eye. There were three old tractors parked nearby, with kids climbing all over them. When it was Daniel's turn, he made the most of it: pulling gears, turning the steering wheel, and making tractor sound effects. He also begged, "On! Go!" until I explained that the tractors didn't move. Still, he was in heaven.

He finally agreed to climb down from the tractor and head into the corn maze. I chased him the whole way through, and we didn't get nearly as lost as last year! He balked at the slide until he watched a couple of kids go down and decided that it was for him. He almost went down by himself ("Me," he insisted) but at the last minute turned around and asked for me to go with him. We were all smiles. His teachers sat at the bottom, taking pictures of all the kids sliding down.
Our last stop of the day was at the store for our free ice cream! Unlike last year, when Daniel couldn't have cared less about an ice cream cone, today he told me that he wanted "chocolate!" As he sat down next to Lexi to enjoy his treat, I marveled at how grown up he has become in just 12 short months. And then I began to wonder what next year's trip has in store!
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