June 13th, 2009. Daniel turns 2 years old. We take him to Storybook Land for an afternoon of rides on toddler-friendly trains and antique go-carts. He throws a fit when we try to put him on the monster truck ride, and we give up after some fruitless coaxing.
September 6th, 2009. We return to Storybook Land with our 27-month-old. Not only does he eagerly climb into the monster truck, but he demands, "Again!" when the ride is over. He enjoys the ride a second time, furiously turning the steering wheel and adding his own sound effects.
This is just one small example of how much Daniel has grown and changed this summer. Gone is the toddler who sat calmly in his high chair during meals, who kept himself occupied while waiting for his food at a restaurant, and who spoke only a handful of words (most notably, "NO!"). He has metamorphosed into a spunky little man. He loves jazz (especially horns), eats on the run (literally), recites lines from books by heart, and speaks practically in complete sentences (just this morning, upon being woken up: "Mimi, go away!"). The change is frustrating at times, delightful at other times, but always phenomenally fascinating.
As Daniel's first day of preschool approaches, I reflect back on the defining moments he experienced this summer:
1. Going to camp for 8 weeks: He may have started the summer as a teary little boy screaming for his "Mommy!" but he finished his stint at camp as a sociable and resilient child who played well with others and blew kisses to his counselors every day at pick-up.
2. Our trip to Hershey: This was Daniel's most challenging, yet most satisfying, amusement park experience. He braved the crowds and the heat and kept his wits about him for two straight days. And he didn't even require a stroller! Mommy and Daddy could learn from his perseverance!
3. Returning to the Ocean City amusements during Labor Day weekend (our first visit had been Memorial Day): Yes, he devoured his pizza at Mack 'n Manco's. Yes, he accompanied us on the big ferris wheel without complaint. But when he rode the fire trucks by himself, excitedly ringing the bell, I was more proud of him than ever. He stepped out from under my wing, took a chance, and loved every minute of it. As parents, can we really hope for anything more from our children?
I expect these next couple of months to bring about even more growth and change in Daniel, as he starts school and begins to really experience the world separate from me (camp being kind of a trial run). I'll miss my dependant little boy, but I'm eager to witness the emergence of my independent young man.
1 comment:
Stef -Wonderful blog filled with great times and memories. Daniel has matured beyond expectations. He will love pre-school and pre-school will love him. Keep up the great work!!
Love - Mom XOXOXO
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