I'm still not sure what happened. I was filling the bath and Peter was attempting to undress Daniel. When he got to the diaper, Daniel FREAKED out. Crying hysterically, refusing to get in the bathtub. I held him and tried to comfort him, but firmly explained that he would have to take a bath. He continued to cry, even when I offered to get his much-loved bubbles so he could play with them in the tub. Peter and I managed to get his diaper off, but that only made him more upset. He was clinging to my neck, crying and screaming, for no apparent reason other than not wanting to be naked in the bathtub.
I carried him into his room and explained that he would have to go right to bed if he didn't take a bath. He was okay with that. Peter removed all books and toys from Daniel's crib while I dressed him in his pajamas. I gave Daniel one last choice between going to bed (without milk, books, or cuddle time) or taking a bath. He made his choice, and I placed him in his crib. As I left his room, I heard him start to cry.
About 10 minutes later, after he had calmed down, I went into his room to see if he had changed his mind. Somehow, I convinced him to take a bath in my jacuzzi tub. I even offered to get in the tub with him. With bubbles, soap, and washcloth in hand, we made our way down the hall to Mommy's bathroom. Daniel was happy to help me start the tub, but not so happy when it came to getting in. I climbed in first and was only able to lift him into the tub if he remained fully diapered. It was bizarre -- he has NEVER exhibited this phobia before.
He stood in the tub while I soaped him up, rinsed him, and washed his hair. His diaper grew heavier and heavier with each cupful of water that I poured over his body. I continued to ask if I could remove his diaper, and he kept saying, "No, not right now." He was contentedly playing with his bubbles, allowing me to wash him, but he would not permit diaper removal. At the very end of the bath, before lifting him out and drying him off, I managed to get his diaper off. It weighed about 20 pounds. My son, the never-nude, had won this battle. But at least he was clean!
I'm completely stressed out about the situation. Will the bath time freak-outs continue? Will Daniel call a moratorium on baths and show up at school looking like Pigpen from the Peanuts comic strip? Is this yet another example of irrational, defiant, 3-year-old behavior...that is completely normal? My gray hairs are getting grayer as I type.